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Workshop on

Web Science for Development

12-14 Feb 2020  |  IIIT Bangalore

Day 1: 12 Feb 2020

Brave Conversations was created to bring thinking around Web Science and the Social Machine to mainstream conversations that occur in everyday life. Its objective is to demystify the world of emerging technologies and enable an exploration

Day 2: 13 Feb 2020

Featuring a series of talks by several eminent researchers, practitioners and policy-makers on various topics pertaining to digital societies, including three keynote speeches: Prof. Dame Wendy Hall, Prof. Manish Gupta, etc.

Day 3: 14 Feb 2020

Datathon is to build awareness and inspire a call for action towards the safety of women in India and the mitigation of gender-based crime prevalent in the country.

In association with International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore,
the British Deputy High Commission Bengaluru, the Web Science Institute and the Web Science Trust

The Evolving Web

The Web dominates how most of us interact with each other and with the societies in which we live. It has provided new digital platforms which have given rise to the largest companies of the modern era; it has enabled massive societal change on a global scale, and it is facilitating powerful new socio-technical systems which are changing the very notion of human research, science and potentially human evolution.

We can feel that things are changing all around us, but

  • How often do we engage in a robust and challenging dialogue and debate about what sort of future we want to create for ourselves and for future generations?
  • How often do we feel that our opinions are respected, that we have the space to imagine real possibilities, and that we can take some proactive control of the world that is emerging?
  • How often do we feel that our opinions are respected, that we have the space to imagine real possibilities, and that we can take some proactive control of the world that is emerging?



The goal of Brave Conversations is to challenge and also empower everyone who participates.  There is no pre-requisite of knowledge or expertise, and we seek to encourage as diverse a group of participants as possible from all walks of life, ages and stages.

We will explore the decisions that we make on a minute by minute basis and impact us all on a personal, community, societal and planetary level, in order to make explicit how our engagement with social technologies is changing everything.

We are all responsible for the world we are creating.  It is time we were empowered to make it better rather than blindly feeling over-whelmed.  In order to do this we need to learn from each other, play with ideas, and ask the questions that are both confronting and will take us to uncomfortable, yet important places.

How it works

The best way to learn is through the experience of playing with ideas.  Brave Conversations works through creating small teams of diverse participants who critically examine themselvesth and their societies through the lens of systems, communications, governance and technology.  It is designed to ensure participate are heard, can all contribute and feel comfortable to challenge the status 


17-18 March 2023  at  IIIT  Bangalore

Get in Touch


Prof Srinath Srinivasa


+91 80 4140 7777
+91 80 2852 7627


26/C, Hosur Rd, Electronics City Phase 1, Electronic City, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560100


+91 80 2852 7636

3 + 15 =

International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore – 2020