Data Analytics
There does not exist any website that can collectively give detailed information about human trafficking i.e. the major factors involved, reasons, details of crimes etc. So, there is a need of such a website which will collect data from NGOs like Justice and Care who work in collaboration with police department Government of India. We are working with Karnataka Police department to get the human trafficking data and e them back its analytics. These analytics is of various types: descriptive, exploratory, predictive and prescriptive. As a part of this work, initially a website titled Bantrafficking is developed. Following will be the work undertaken: Data visualization; Geospatial mapping of hotspots on the basis of police records regarding exploitation; There is a national database for missing children, on the similar grounds can we create national database for anti-human trafficking?; Check list for capturing end-to -end process of rescue and rehabilitation; App for laws applied while doing investigation about human trafficking. Evangelization activities to create awareness about sexual abuses, online abuses, human trafficking etc. (with Mudita and Cyber peace foundation)
Expected Social Impact:
We are expecting that this kind of exploratory, predictive and prescriptive data analytics would help police and social activists to prevent human trafficking. Also, the evangelization activities would increase awareness about sexual abuses, online abuses, human trafficking among various groups of people
Team Members:
Prof Chandrashekar Ramnathan (PI)
Ms Joyitha Ambett, (CEO, Waste Management Society)
Project students